Monday, September 20, 2010

[QUOTE=Aussie Leroy;253454]How much $/hr for a D8R or simalar in australia Wet rate,Leroy[/QUOTE]

Leroy, are you asking for the COST per hour of this machine or what guys are charging as a PRICE? Suppose you get several PRICES from people who:
[*]Do not know their true cost per hour
[*]Operate their machine in different Geological conditions
[*]Who use their machine in a different Work application [URL=""](See Here)[/URL]
[*]Have Repair labor rates different than your cost
[*]Have not adjusted for Cost of fuel changes for three years
[*]Bought their machine new and it has less than 5,000 hours on it
[*]Bought their machine at auction and it has 15,000 hours on it

Are you getting the idea that you need to know YOUR cost and that your cost may be as much as 200% different than another person's cost?

To start you on the costing journey their is a FREE costing tool on this web site. [URL=""](Click Here)[/URL]

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